Monday, September 25, 2006


Had my last luteal bloodwork today - both went down but the nurse said they are still fine and it's typical for them to fluctuate so no need to adjust meds:
E2 = 300
P4 = 29

current plans for the week are:
9/26 - acupuncture & finish a couple urgent tasks at work (last potential productive day)
9/27 - POAS (11dp3dt)
9/28 - acupuncture
9/29 - beta (13dp3dt) & leave for vacation with friends
9/31 - massage with girlfriends

I had a pretty emotional day - mostly not TTC/IF related...although that is really always there in the background, right? So overall I'm feeling pretty crappy and I'm dreading the news later this week.

Going to cuddle up with Maggie & DH and watch a movie tonight for a little escape...


beagle said...

delurking to say good luck!

Southern Comfortable said...

Sorry you're feeling down. I definitely think movies are the best escape. I used to make my DH take me every Sunday night when I was at a job I hated, just to take my mind off of going to work on Monday morning.

Pick something that will make you laugh out loud!