Thursday, December 07, 2006

10dp3dt - thank you CVS

DH went out last night to get another brand because I don't 100% trust the internet cheapies and FRER hasn't shown me what I want to see yet. So generic CVS brand is now my friend - it showed a vertical line within a couple of minutes (PHEW!) and I think it's dark enough to see in a photograph now.

So now we just need to get a decent # at our beta tomorrow and maybe it will seem real? Does it ever?



Anonymous said...

Oh my God. I have goosebumps for you, sweetie.

Wow. just wow.

Wishing you a great number tomorrow! and Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!

You are going to be a mom!

Serenity said...

I TOTALLY have goosebumps for you, hon. OMG. I am doing the same - wishing for a great number - keep us posted!!!

Gil said...

WOO HOO!!!! Such wonderful news. I am sure that your Beta numbers will be superb! A beautiful Christmas gift, to be certain. Keep us in the loop!

Southern Comfortable said...

I see it! I see it! Holy crap. I am so, so happy for you.

And just in time for Christmas! The best gift ever!

lola said...

HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY!! I see the line. That's so wonderful, I'm just so happy for you.

I went out and bought two different kinds of HPT's at CVS last night too - the lady behind the counter must have thought I was crazy. ha.

Good luck at your beta!

BigP's Heather said...

I totally see that line!!! It is beautiful! Congratulations!

The blogosphere definitely needed this good news! Too awesome.

TeamWinks said...

Yes! I can see it! Thank you for sharing this with us! Hell, I haven't crossed the finish line yet, but at least I can share in your excitement!

Smarshy said...

I should leave town more often! That's awesome news Spark!

Can't wait to hear about your beta. Fingers crossed!

Tulips said...


I am so so so so so thrilled!
I have chills!!


Hopeful Mother said...

Congratulations! This has been a pretty good month in the blogosphere.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news. Really delighted for you both xx

Anonymous said...

Yay Yay Yay! Such great news!

Motel Manager said...

Good luck tomorrow!!!!

Jamie said...

I can't wait to hear your beta results tomorrow! Good luck!!

ms. c said...

That's certainly a positive! Great news! Can't wait to hear the beta numbers! (Can I use more exclamation marks?!)

C said...

OMG, OMG, OMG!!! Fingers and toes are crossed for you!

The Amazing Trips said...

naughty, naughty, naughty!!! you're not suppose to do HPT's until your beta!!!

But, of course, I did.

And, the third IVF worked for us. I really hope that the third time is the charm for you, too!!

If it helps any, the ONLY time I had a positive HPT was when I was actually pregnant. I never received a false positive the day before my beta. I most definitely see two lines. Best of luck!!!