Thursday, July 06, 2006

what a pain in the neck...literally

Somehow I have a major pain in my neck (in addition to my current project at work) -- OUCH! I woke up yesterday unable to move my neck/shoulders very much -- so I end up leaning over the left side all day. Looks like I should be in one of those V8 commercials...

I went to the doctor and have started my mega Advil dose along with a muscle relaxer... Is it wrong to be doped up at work? ;) I'm feeling pretty good right about now...

I'm now trying to push my RE to do an endometrial biopsy and let me take Medrol/antibiotics around the transfer...we'll see what he says...

And theoretically work should get much better 2 weeks from now!! I'll need to start counting down the days....


Serenity said...

Hoping the next two weeks fly by for you!!!

C said...

The same thing happened to me last year! It hurt like hell, but went away after around 36 hours. I hope you start feeling better soon.

Good luck getting the endometrial biopsy. I'm trying to get one right now too, and it's like pulling teeth.