Monday, February 05, 2007

Lots of good news today!

The u/s went well - the SCH looks smaller and the baby was measuring almost to date - 12w2d (only off by 1 day). From my untrained eye I'd say it's about 1/3rd smaller. So it's still considered "large" (6cm x 4.5cm at widest part of the transverse view) but the peri could tell that the blood was clotted which is good. So if I continue to spot brown then it will continue to shrink. Yay!

And the peri was not very concerned with miscarrying at this point or even future complications. He has seen similar SCHs before that did not cause long-term issues and was actually shocked that my OB didn't send me over a lot earlier to avoid all of my worries. So big boo to my OB for leaving so many open questions for me. I feel a little bad about doubting him earlier (he was kinda spacy & did fudge the earlier u/s reports though).

I also had my 12w appt and met another OB (you rotate through all of them) - she was very nice & detailed (which I like). We talked about the SCH and depending on that the peri says in his report I might not get another u/s until 20w unless I have more red bleeding or cramping. Which I'm actually OK with at this point - maybe a little less info will be good for a while. We also listened to the heartbeat. I tried to act very excited even though we listen to it almost every day. :)

Other good news - the NT results came back great - our risks for Downs and Trisomy 18 were 1:6000 and 1:10000 so that is a huge relief. Unless something comes back wacky in the screening for neural tube defects (at 16w) then we're probably done with prenatal testing. A big relief since I didn't want to poke around in my placenta or ute.

So I'm just filled with a HUGE sense of relief. Phew. Hopefully the rest of this PG will be boring & uneventful.


M said...

Great news! :)

TeamWinks said...

It was about time for some good news!

Alison said...

YIPPEE-SKIPPY!!! That is wonderful news! I am thrilled for you guys!

Anonymous said...

I am really delighted for you with this good news x
I have been thinking of you often.
Here's to the rest of your pregnancy being a smooth ride!

Take care,
Amanda Blue Sky :)

Kate said...

Yay! Was thinking of you this morning and am so glad to see the good results!

Inglewood said...

Great news! After all this I hope it is all smooth sailing for you.

Mark and Martha said...

I'm doing a happy dance here for you and Fish!!! It's so nice to get good news for a change, eh?

Kim McGuire said...

YAY!!! I'm so happy for you!

Bea said...

Sounds much better. Such a relief. I'm hoping for boring and uneventful.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear your good news! I was worried about you when I read the last post. Im sorry about your Gran, I'm sure she's hanging around watching over the baby and you too for that matter!

gaelen said...

Woohooo! That's awesome news!!!

Champagne on Tuesdays said...

Great news for Fish! Yay!

Anonymous said...

I'm very happy about the bebe! I am very sorry about your loss of your dear grandmother though.

lola said...

Hooray, such great news! You sound so relieved and rightfully so.

I am hoping that you have a very boring pregnancy from here on out. :)

A said...

What awesome news!!!

Tulips said...

Wonderful news! I'm very happy to hear that things are going well!!

Carey said...

Yeah, I was wondering how things were going too!! Hope all is well!!!

Bri said...

I wandered over from Team Winks and found that you have and SCH. I do too. I'm 14 weeks ? days and had my first big bleed at 10 weeks and spotting on and off ever since. I go to

There are lots of women at various stages of this. From 8 weeks preggo to post-delivery SCH women - advice spans the gammit.

Come join - It's helped me maintain my sanity - that and my fetal doppler.

Anonymous said...

Me too. We'd love updates!

The Oneliner (Christina) said...

r u ok?

The Oneliner (Christina) said...

could you just post to let us know you're ok the baby is ok?